CSS Process-A Download Area
Standalone CSS Associate License Agreements are available for Resellers and Assemblers.
Please choose from the following documents. Note: You may need to click on the "Back" button on your browser to return to this page to download multiple documents.
- CSS Associate License Agreement for Assemblers
- CSS Associate License Agreement for Resellers
- CSS Procedural Specifications
- Inquiry Sheet
- Application Flow Chart
You can fax one (1) completed Inquiry Sheet to DVD CCA at +1 408 779 9291 for review.
Alternatively, you can use "Contact DVD CCA" on the "About Us" tab to contact us and we will send you information on how to send the Inquiry sheet via email.
In order for DVD CCA to process a CSS Associate License application, DVD CCA requires receipt of two (2) completed and signed Assembler or Reseller Agreements. DVD CCA can only process original license agreements, not fax or electronic copies of agreements.